June 2008



Dog, Heart, left atrioventricular valve (mitral valve): Nodular endocardiosis

Detailed Information

History: A dog, male, 11 years old, crossed and small size was sent for diagnosis to the Necropsy Room after being killed in an accident.

Organ: Heart, mitral valve

Gross Pathology: Few, small and white nodules at the line of closure of the mitral valve. The cups were contracted and irregular.

Diagnosis: Heart, left atrioventricular valve (mitral valve): Nodular endocardiosis

Coments: No secondary changes to this lesion were recogniced in the left atrium and ventricule. Frecuently the left atrial endocardium is focally tickened by fibrosis (“jet lesions”) and/or the left ventricule is eccentrically hypertrophied. In this case, the finding of nodular endocardiosis was incidental and the most likely cause of death was the pneumotorax caused by the trauma.

Editor: José María Nieto