April 2010



History Pony, 31 years.

Diagnosis: Nasal cavity, sinus maxillaris, sinus frontalis, dental alveoli: severe, diffuse, chronic-active, suppurative and necrotizing rhinitis, sinusitis and alveolitis with severe empyema of the left nasal cavity and resulting midline shift of the nasal septum.

Description: The left nasal cavity, sinus maxillaris, sinus frontalis and the dental alveoli are filled with pus. Also the nasal septum is shifted to the right side.

Comments: Clinical symptoms included dyspnoea. X-ray showed a mass in the frontal sinus. Dominant findings in the cranium were a diffuse, suppurative rhinitis, sinusitis and alveolitis. The right mandible showed a pathological fracture due to a severe, suppurative osteomyelitis.

Picture by Robert Klopfleisch, Department of Veterinary Pathology, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany

Author: Patricia Klose, Department of Veterinary Pathology, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany