PathConnexx Europe - Veterinary Pathology Program for Residents

PathConnexx Europe - Veterinary Pathology Program for Residents

Start date
End date

As a resident of clinical or anatomic veterinary pathology in Europe, you’re invited to visit one of the largest laboratories worldwide for veterinary diagnostics. You’ll gain insight into the operating methods of our experienced diagnostic pathologists, meet the in-house pathology team, and experience how digital pathology allows collaboration irrespective of geographic borders.
Space is limited so please register soon for a chance to attend!
Timeline: 19th – 21st June 2024
Location: Kornwestheim, Germany
*A virtual event is planned for autumn 2024, at a date to be determined, for those unable to attend in-person.

Registration link
Register by: 26 April 2024
Confirmation: We will be in touch to let you know if you are selected as an attendee.

What to Expect?
19th June: You arrive in the afternoon. During a casual dinner, you will meet staff members of our pathology team.
20th June: We will start with an exciting tour through our laboratory where you have the chance to gain insight into our diagnostic procedures. Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to meet with our in-house pathology team and discuss interesting cases with international team members. We end the day with having dinner together in a nice restaurant.
21st June: You will travel back home.

Programme available here
Expenses paid!

Your costs including travel, overnight stay in a hotel, and meals will be covered by IDEXX. If you are coming from a non-European country, we will cover travel costs up to 200 Euros / 200 Dollars.

Nicole Hammer & Christine Wellmann