June 2006



Bovine heart: Fibrinopurulent pericarditis, caused by traumatic reticulperitonitis

Detailed information

Animal: Cattle, Norwegian Red Cattle, 2 years, heifer.

Organ: Heart

History: Unthriftiness, fever.

Autopsy findings: The reticulum was adherent to the diaphragm. Through the adherence, a canal was found, passing from the reticulum into the pericardial sac. A haywire of about 6 cm penetrated the pericardial sac. The pericardial sac contained approximately 5 liters of a flocculent, yellow liquid releasing a distinctly foul odour. The parietal and visceral layers of the pericardium were covered with an approximately 1 cm thick, yellow, fibrinous layer with villuslike projections which gave a characteristic “bread and butter” appearance.

Diagnosis: Fibrinopurulent pericarditis, caused by traumatic reticulperitonitis

Necropsy performed by: Dr. Bjørnar Ytrehus, National Veterinary Institute, Oslo, Norway

Photo by: Dr. Bjørnar Ytrehus