March 2023

POM March 2023


Animal: Feline, 12-year-old

Organ: Skin

History:  Formalin-fixed skin with a scar was submitted. There was history of surgery for injection site sarcoma. Practitioner suspected local recurrence because of indurated nodules in subcutis.

Macroscopical findings: Skin and subcutaneous tissues with small white to tan, chalky to firm nodules in the panniculus

Histopathological findings: Multifocal pyogranulomatous panniculitis centered on polyfilamentous cylindrical foreign bodies, showing iridescent colors with polarized light

Diagnosis: Skin, suture granulomas

Contribution: Jean-Charles HUSSON, Dr Vét., dip. ECVP, DESV-AP, +33 (0) 5 34 40 77 88, 11 bis Allée des Vitarelles, 31100 Toulouse,