Definition & membership fee


Veterinary pathology is a discipline-oriented specialisation which focuses on the morphological recognition and functional interpretation of pathological conditions in animals, through analysis of the pathomorphological substrate in attempting to define specific pathological processes including aetiology and pathogenesis.

Membership includes veterinary pathologists with a wide variety of career pathways and employments such as in private pathology practice, general and specific diagnostic laboratories, academic and research institutes, and industry. A veterinarian who has satisfied the requirements as to character, training and experience and competence in veterinary pathology, including satisfactory completion of the certifying examination, is eligible for membership. Election of such candidates is accomplished by majority vote of the Council.

Any member who has retired from the practice or teaching of veterinary pathology may be designated an Retired Diplomate by the Council, at the member’s request. Retireed members shall have all the privileges of membership except the right to vote or hold office and shall not be required to pay dues.

A person who has contributed in an extraordinary manner to the advancement of veterinary pathology may be appointed honorary member by majority vote of the Council, confirmed by a majority vote of the membership of the College. Honorary Members shall have all the privileges of membership except the right to vote or hold office and shall not be required to pay dues. Honorary Member status does not confer the right to act as a specialist in veterinary pathology. Honorary Members cannot make up more than five percent (5%) of the active membership.

Further details of Membership are included in the ECVP By-laws and ECVP Articles of Association (AoA).



Annual Membership Fees

Payment of dues is possible by bank transfer, or by credit card via your ECVP website profile.

Payment of Annual Fee by bank transfer

Details of the ECVP membership account that you will need are as follows:

Bank: ABN/AMRO, Daalsesingel, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Bank Identification Code: ABNANL2A
IBAN number: NL65 ABNA 0440 4899 70

Name of Account Holder: ECVP

Please ensure that all bank transfers include the name of the ECVP member.

All bank costs must be prepaid

Confirmation of your membership status and payment history can be obtained from your ECVP website profile.


Members with Outstanding Dues

In February 2001, the ECVP Council adopted the resolution that members who have been delinquent in dues payments for 3 or more years shall be placed on “Non-practicing Member” status. As defined, an “Non-practicing Member” is excluded from ECVP Council or committee activity, ceases to have voting and nominating privileges, is deleted from the membership lists of both the ECVP and the European Board of Veterinary Specialists and is prohibited from using the title “Diplomate, ECVP”. An exception to being placed on “Non-practicing Member” status would be if the member in question indicates, in writing, a situation of financial hardship.If a member has been placed on “Non-practicing Member” status, full membership can be re-instated by;

1) requesting reinstatement in writing to the Secretary of the ECVP

2) paying a re-instatement fee

3) by paying all outstanding dues.